Tuesday, March 6, 2012

C4T Summary #2

hand holding heart shaped rock
For this month's teacher blog post I was assigned to the teacher, Angela Maiers.  She has had many years being an educator and I have found her blog to be inspiring.  In this blog post, she encourages teachers to have courage.  The word courage comes from the Latin word heart.  That teaching comes from the heart and that we need to develop courage.  She makes a really good point when she says that most teachings are devoted to the mind.  We need to encourage students to engage and ask questions and to share their views with the world.  For me, I have always be the "shy girl" in class.  More recently I have realized that to be an effective teacher I need to step out of my shell and be courageous.  How can I expect my students to want to learn if I am not setting the right example?  Angela made a good point and I quote,
"In order to teach, we need courage to overcome our fears." 
I am overcoming my fears to be the best teacher I can be.

Dream With Me
Angela Maiers
This week Angela Maiers' post struck me hard this week.  Her blog posts are very inspiring and really get me thinking!  She dreams of a class where skills are taught and where students can articulate their feelings as well as their facts.  Growing up in my schools, we were always worried about the facts, dates, and equations that we were never really asked about our feelings.  I never got the notion that my teachers didn't care, but I would not have been comfortable sharing my feelings with my class.  This is so important for students to be in a learning environment where they can share their feelings.  I recommend that you check our her blog post and read some of the other dreams that she wants for the future.

1 comment:

  1. Erika,

    Your post on Angela Maier was so touching I just had to go see it for myself. And you really nailed it on your interpretation. I have never been comfortable being free to speak my mind and feelings in the classroom. My two years at South are erroding that hesitation away. At first it was due to a class requirement but now I really feel secure enough to speak when I feel compelled to do so.

    The classroom is not necessarily a place of judgement as I had previously believed. And a thoughtful, respectful teacher can make all the difference in the world when opening up a hesitant child. We should attempt to educate the whole child in a safe, trusting, and creative atmosphere.

    You have a lovely blog. Best of all you have a good handle on this course and your direction in life thus far.

    Much success in the rest of EDM310!

    Laura Holifield
