Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Blog Assignment 13

No Cell Phone SignFor this weeks blog assignment we were told not to use any type of technology for 24 hours. This included watching TV, using computers, listening to the radio, using my cell phone, etc. For me, this was painfully tough. I didn't realize how much I rely on technology throughout my day. Without this technology, I was able to read some of my textbooks that I normally don't read because I am so entranced with all of my technology that I use throughout the day. The hardest part of this "media fast" was not being able to use my cell phone. My iPhone has everything that I need on it.  From my apps to text messaging to e-mail, I was lost without it. Since I live in an apartment on campus, I do not have a land line, so getting in touch with my parents was not easy. The BCM (Baptist Campus Ministries) thankfully has a land line that I was able to use to contact my parents. I realized how nice it is to be able to shoot your friend a text message instead of having to locate a land line to make a phone call. I definitely take technology for granted and I am very thankful that I get to use it every day and I plan to continue to use it all the time.


  1. Hi Erika! I agree that it will be hard to not use technology for 24 hours. I honestly don't think I will be able to do it because I too live on campus and don't have a land line. I'm also in a long distance relationship and I haven't gone 24 hours without talking to my fiance before. That's 5 years of talking to him everyday. I will find a way to talk to him. Ha!
    Your blog post is written really well. I hope you had a fun semester in this class and good luck on the end of the semester!

  2. What happened? Did you make it without using technologies for 24 hours? I will put you in the Unknown category since you did not say. You should have made it clear, however, since that is the most important thing for you to have revealed!

  3. I made it without a cell phone for the full 24 hours. It's difficult to be able to turn my phone off for that amount of time when I rely on it so much. It was hard to avoid the radio when I got in the car with friends so if that counts I don't quite make it.
